A WIP implementation of HTTP protocol in Lean 4.
The Goal
The goal of this project is to provide Lean community an HTTP Client and Server implementations as well as working and sensible set of HTTP primitives.
The broader goal of Axiomed initiative is to build an ecosystem of tools in Lean 4 that software engineers need in their everyday tasks, such as HTTP libs, async frameworks, DB connectors, parsers etc.
If you think Lean 4 can shine not only as a theorem prover, but as a general purpose language - you're welcome to join the organization!
You need to have libuv
and pkg-config
Add Http to your lakefile.lean
def mkArrayLit (lvl : Level) (type : Expr) (l : List Expr) : Expr :=
let empty := (Expr.const ``Array.empty [lvl]) type
let push r h := mkAppN (Expr.const ``Array.push [lvl]) #[type, r, h]
l.foldl push empty
def elabRunPkgConfig (stx : Syntax) (args : Array String) : Elab.TermElabM Expr := do
Lean.withRef stx do
match ← (IO.Process.output { cmd := "pkg-config", args }).toBaseIO with
| .ok out =>
if out.exitCode != 0 then
throwErrorAt stx "pkg-config failed: {out.exitCode}"
let libParts := out.stdout.splitOn
let stringType := Expr.const ``String []
|>.map (mkStrLit ·.trimRight)
|> mkArrayLit .zero stringType
|> pure
| .error _ =>
throwErrorAt stx "Could not run pkg-config"
syntax:lead (name := libuvLibsElab) "libuvLibs" : term
@[term_elab libuvLibsElab]
def elabLibUVLibs : Lean.Elab.Term.TermElab := fun stx _expectedType? =>
elabRunPkgConfig stx #["--libs", "libuv"]
lean_exe «change-the-name-of-your-application-here-it-needs-the-more-link-args» where
root := `Main
moreLinkArgs := libuvLibs
require Http from git ""
import Http
open Http.Data
open Http
def onConn (conn: Connection) : IO Unit := do
-- Using defined headers with the formats that are assigned to them.
conn.withHeaderStd .date (← .GMT)
conn.withHeaderStd .contentType ( (.standard .text) "plain" (.empty |>.insert "charset" "utf-8"))
-- Using a raw header that can be invalid for the client.
conn.withHeader "transfer-encoding" "chunked"
-- Send the headers so it can determine the content-type and stuff
-- Write strings to the response
conn.write "some message"
conn.write " here!"
-- Ends the request.
def main : IO Unit :=
(host := "")
(port := 8081)
(onEnd := λconn _ => onConn conn)
This library is based on work @algebraic-sofia has done for her