Lean4 Postgresql

This library embeds PostgreSQL syntax and semantics into Lean 4. The rules for the type system are taken from the Postgres documentation and source code version 17.



Add the following dependency to your lakefile.lean :

import Lake
open System Lake DSL

require Postgres from git "https://github.com/FWuermse/lean-postgres" @ "master"

package conn where

lean_exe conn where
  moreLinkArgs := #["-lpq", "-L/<your path to libpq>"]
  root := `Main



Requires a running Postgres instance e.G. via Docker:

docker run -d --name postgres -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=password -v ~/my-volume:/var/lib/postgresql/data -p 5432:5432 postgres


import Postgres

open LibPQ Query QueryAST QuerySyntax

def stringTables (table : Option (List (List String))) : String :=
  match table with
  | none => "Error"
  | some t => "\n".intercalate (t.map (", ".intercalate .))

def schema : Schema := [("employee", [("id", "employee", .bigInt)]), ("customer", [("id", "customer", .bigInt), ("date", "customer", .date)])]

def queriesOnSchema : SQL Unit := do
  let query := pquery( schema |-
    SELECT customer.date AS d
    FROM employee, customer
    WHERE -(employee.id * -2) = customer.id
      AND customer.id != 0 ∶ [("d", "customer", .date)] )
  let res ← sendQuery query
  IO.println <| stringTables res
  IO.println query

def main : IO Unit := do
  let conn ← login "" "5432" "postgres" "postgres" "password"
  queriesOnSchema.run {conn}
  testQueries.run {conn}
  pure ()
$ ./.lake/build/bin/query


Please find more examples in the example folder.

Supported DataTypes

NULLempty type
Integer32 bit integer
BigInt64 bit integer
bitfixed length bit array
varBitvariable length bit array
booleanTRUE or FALSE
charfixed length character array
varcharvariable length character array
textcharacter array of arbitrary length
dateDate of the form yyyy-mm-ddvalidation not month specific, no other formats supported
double64 bit floating point numberonly double no floats supported

Supported features on this branch

  • Query
    • Fields and aliases
    • Select as arbitrary expression
    • Table selection
      • Tables
      • Join on (inner, outer, right, left)
      • Join using
      • Implicit join
      • Nested queries
      • Union
      • Intersection
    • Expression functions and operators
      • Logical operators
      • Comparison operators
      • Comparison functions
      • Mathematical operators
      • Mathematical functions
      • String operators
      • String functions
      • Bit operators
      • Bit functions
      • Geometric operators
      • Geometric functions
      • XML functions
      • JSON functions
    • Type Conversions
      • Char/String conversions
      • Date conversions
      • Number conversions
      • Date conversions
  • Insert
  • Delete
  • DDL