This is a work-in-progress DateTime package for Lean which implements some utilities for working with ISO 8601.
Contributions welcome! <3
Add the following to your lakefile.lean
require datetime from git "" @ "main"
Then you can add and use it in your projects:
import DateTime
#eval -- The current system-wide time (UTC)
#eval DateTime.current_millis -- Number of milliseconds since epoch
open DateTime.Notation -- Examples using notation
#eval date% 2024-02-29 -- 2024-02-29
#eval date% 2024-06 -- 2024-06
#eval date% "2024-10-23" -- Except.ok 2024-10-23
#eval date% 2024-10-23 + 28 days -- 2024-11-20
#eval time% 14:54:32 + 13min -- 15:07:32
#eval time_offset% 14:54:32-07:00 -- 14:54:32-07:00
#eval datetime% "2024-02-18T22:57:10Z" -- Except.ok 2024-02-18T22:57:10Z