It"s a protocol parser generator for Lean4 based on It currently generates parsers in Lean and C. The Lean version is in most cases 2 times slower than the C version right now.
parser Http in Lean where
def method : Nat
def url : Nat × Nat
node method where
switch (store method beforeUrl)
| "HEAD" => 0
| "GET" => 1
| "POST" => 2
| "PUT" => 3
| "DELETE" => 4
| "OPTIONS" => 5
| "CONNECT" => 6
| "TRACE" => 7
| "PATCH" => 8
otherwise (error 0)
node beforeUrl where
is " " beforeUrl
goto (start url url)
node url where
peek ' ' (end url http)
otherwise url
node http where
is " HTTP/1.1\r\n\r\n" http
otherwise (error 1)