A testing framework for Lean 4, inspired by Haskell's Hspec package.
Composing tests
Sequences of tests are represented by the TestSeq
In order to instantiate terms of TestSeq
, use the test
helper function:
test "Nat equality" (4 = 4) $
test "Nat inequality" (4 ≠ 5)
-- test "Nat equality" (4 = 4) (test "Nat inequality" (4 ≠ 5)) : TestSeq
consumes a description a proposition and a next test
The proposition, however, must have its own instance of Testable
You can also collect TestSeq
into conceptual test groups by using the
helper function group
test "Nat equality" (42 = 42) $
group "manual group" $
test "Nat equality inside group" (4 = 4)
The Testable
is how Lean is instructed to decide whether certain propositions are resolved as true
or false
This is an example of a simple instance for decidability of equalities:
instance (x y : α) [DecidableEq α] [Repr α] : Testable (x = y) :=
if h : x = y then
.isTrue h
.isFalse h s!"Not equal: {repr x} and {repr y}"
The custom failure message is optional.
There are more examples of Testable
instances in LSpec/Instances.lean.
The user is, of course, free to provide their own instances.
Actually running the tests
The #lspec
The #lspec
command allows you to test interactively in a file.
test "four equals four" (4 = 4) $
test "five equals five" (5 = 5)
-- ✓ four equals four
-- ✓ five equals five
An important note is that a failing test will raise an error, interrupting the building process.
The lspecIO
is meant to be used in files to be compiled and integrated in a testing infrastructure, as shown below.
def aaSuite := [
test "four equals four" (4 = 4)
def bbSuite := [
test "five equals five" (5 = 5)
def main := lspecIO $ .ofList [
("aa", aaSuite),
("bb", bbSuite)
Once such main
function is defined, its respective executable can be tagged as the @[test_driver]
in the lakefile.
For further information, inspect the docstring of lspecIO
Integration with SlimCheck
There are 3 main typeclasses associated with any SlimCheck
: The typeclass that takes a typea : α
and returns aList α
of elements which should be thought of as being "smaller" thana
(in some sense dependent on the typeα
being considered).SampleableExt
: The typeclass of a . This is roughly equivalent toQuickCheck
: The property to be checked bySlimCheck
must have aCheckable
In order to use SlimCheck
tests for custom data types, the user will need to implement
instances of the typeclasses Shrinkable
and SampleableExt
for the custom types appearing
in the properties being tested.
The module LSpec.SlimCheck.Checkable contains may of the useful definitions and instances that can be used to derive a Checkable instance for a wide variety of properties given just the instances above. If all else fails, the user can also define the Checkable instance by hand.
Once this is done a Slimcheck
test is evaluated in a similar way to
#lspec check "add_comm" $ ∀ n m : Nat, n + m = m + n
#lspec check "add_comm" $ ∀ n m : Nat, n + m = m + m
-- × add_comm
-- ===================
-- Found problems!
-- n := 1
-- m := 0
-- issue: 1 = 0 does not hold
-- (0 shrinks)
-- -------------------