Cryptography in Lean 4

This repo is intended to provide a comprehensive collection of specifications of cryptographic algorithms in Lean 4. Each algorithm will have a complete, executable specification along with test vectors for some validation that the algorithm is correctly specified.

The repositiory currently contains a complete specification of the Classic McEliece algorithm on the kem/mceliece348864 parameter set. It has been derived from the Nist Round 3 submission files. Our continuous integration validates that the Lean specification produces the same known-answer tests as the C reference implementation.

The cryptographic library also links in OpenSSL and libkeccak so that we can invoke fast C implementations of AES and SHAKE respectively.

This repository also includes experiments aimed at mapping the cryptographic specifications into SMT so that we can take advantage of automated constraint solving to reason about cryptographic specificiations including equivalence checking and checking correctness properties of specifications.

Plans for the Future

This repository is still in its early stages. Our next plans are to:

  • Write reference specifications of AES and SHAKE that can be validated against known answer tests.
  • Complete specifications of other Classic Mceliece parameter sets.