Cairo Verification
This repository contains formal verification of various aspects of the Cairo programming language using the Lean programming language and proof assistant.
The folder Verification/Semantics contains a specification of the Cairo virtual machine semantics and a proof of the correctness of the Cairo STARK encoding.
The file Cpu.lean contains a specification of the execution semantics of the Cairo CPU, used to prove soundness of Cairo programs and the correctness of the STARK encoding.
The file Vm.lean contains a slightly abstracted semantics of the Cairo virtual machine, used to prove completeness of Cairo programs.
The AirEncoding folder contains a proof of the correctness of the algebraic encoding of execution traces of Cairo programs that are used to generate STARK certificates.
The Soundness folder contains infrastructure used to prove the soundness of Cairo programs and library functions.
The Completeness folder contains infrastructure used to prove the soundness of Cairo programs and library functions.
The folder Verification/Libfuncs contains verifications of the soundness and completeness of a number of Cairo library functions, also known as libfuncs.
The lean3 folder contains older Lean 3 verifications of parts of the CairoZero library, including:
- basic mathematical calculations
- operations on the secp256k1 and secp256r1 elliptic curves
- digital signature validation
- procedures for simulating dictionary access in a read-only enviroment.
Details can be found in the file in that folder.
Our verification of the algebraic encoding of Cairo execution traces is described in the paper A verified algebraic representation of Cairo program execution.
Our verification tools and our verification of CairoZero code used for elliptic curve operations and to validate cryptographic signatures are described in the paper A proof-producing compiler for blockchain applications.
The main folder is a Lean 4 project. You should have Lean 4 and the VS Code extension installed.
Once you have Lean 4 installed, you can fetch this repository by choosing Open Project
on the Lean VS Code menu or in the usual way with git clone
. In the latter case, you
should run
lake exe cache get
in this folder to get the precompiled Mathlib files.
lake build
to compile all the files listed above Verification.lean
. One completeness proof in the
folder is commented out because it is slow to build and requires a lot of memory;
the remaining files take only a few minutes to compile.