Repository Layout

The repository is organized as follows (listing the main folders and files):

  • .github contains GitHub-specific configuration files and workflows.
    • workflows contains GitHub Actions workflow files.
      • lint.yml is the style lint workflow triggered on push and pull request events.
    • dependabot.yml is the configuration file to automate CI dependency updates.
  • .vscode contains Visual Studio Code configuration files
  • Project should contain the Lean code files.
    • Mathlib should contain .lean files with declarations missing from existing Mathlib developments.
    • ForMathlib should contain .lean files with new declarations to be upstreamed to Mathlib.
    • Example.lean is a sample Lean file.
  • scripts contains scripts to update Mathlib ensuring that the latest version is fetched and integrated into the development environment.
  • .gitignore specifies files and folders to be ignored by Git. and environment.
  • should provide the guidelines for contributing to the project.
  • lakefile.toml is the configuration file for the Lake build system used in Lean projects.
  • lean-toolchain specifies the Lean version and toolchain used for the project.