prepared for:
prepared by: KAJANI KAUNDA
Let us lean together!
import Mathlib
set_option linter.unusedVariables false
def primes_set := { n | Nat.Prime n }
instance : Infinite primes_set := Nat.infinite_setOf_prime.to_subtype
instance : DecidablePred (fun n => n ∈ primes_set) := fun n => Nat.decidablePrime n
def primes (n : ℕ) : ℕ := if (n = 0) then 0 else Nat.Subtype.ofNat primes_set (n - 1)
lemma primes_zero : primes 0 = 0 := rfl
def primes_inv_exists (n : ℕ) (n_prime : Nat.Prime n) : ∃ i, primes i = n :=
have := Nat.Subtype.ofNat_surjective (s := primes_set)
obtain ⟨a, ha⟩ := this ⟨n, n_prime⟩
use a + 1
simp [primes, ha]
def primes_inv (n : ℕ) (n_prime : Nat.Prime n) : ℕ := Nat.find (primes_inv_exists n n_prime)
def primes_inv_def (n : ℕ) (n_prime : Nat.Prime n) : primes (primes_inv n n_prime) = n :=
Nat.find_spec (primes_inv_exists n n_prime)
Structure in Prime Gaps -- Formalized
By Kajani Kaunda and others.
Structure in Prime Gaps.
In this project, we aim to formalize the results presented in the article Structure in Prime Gaps using LEAN 4, the latest version of the LEAN proof assistant. By leveraging the capabilities of LEAN 4, we seek to ensure the correctness and robustness of these findings relating to the existence of infinitely many structured gaps between prime numbers. This formalization will provide a rigorous foundation for the results and contribute to the broader effort of formalizing mathematics.
The paper Structure in Prime Gaps presents two main results the first of which is the claim that there exist structured gaps between primes and the second result is basically a corollary or special case of the first. These are stated as follows:
Theorem 1: For every prime pα, there exists infinitely many pairs of primes, (pn, pn+m), such that (pn+m − pn) = pα − 3, where n, α ≥ 3, m ≥ 1, and pn is the nth prime.
Theorem 2: There exist infinitely many pairs of primes with a gap of 2.
A brief visual overview of the results presented in the article Structure in Prime Gaps
The following partial Cayley table T represents gaps between primes in which the results we are formalizing are self-evident.
Consider Table 1, it is not immediately apparent if any useful pattern can be discerned from it. However, with the highlights in Table 2, a compelling pattern emerges, one that leads directly to Theorem 1 from which Theorem 2 is implied as seen in Table 3.
Each pattern is defined and identified by the 4-tuple β = (A, B, L, E) formed from the elements in the vertices of a sub-array Ti of T. In Table 2, the first 4-tuple β = (A, B, L, E) for prime 23 is β = (20, 28, 12, 20).
Every sub-array TTi, defines two pairs of primes. In Table 2, the First pair is (3, pα) or (3, 23) and the Second pair is (((B + 3) + 0 -- E), (B + 3)) or (11, 31). We can denote the integers 11 and 31 in the Second pair using the variables Qi and Ri respectively.
The First pair remains constant for all patterns related to any prime pα ≥ 5. Subsequent Second pairs are unique for each sub-array TTi of T.
L is always congruent to 0 mod 6.
Legend for Tables:
Table 1: Represents the Cayley Table T of the Commutative Partial Groupoid structure (J, +) without immediately discernible patterns highlighted.
Table 2: Highlights patterns where the 4-tuple β = (A, B, L, E) defines each pattern, with specific examples provided. The "Pattern" here is more elaborately defined in the sense that it consists of integers other than just Qi and Ri.
Table 3: Demonstrates the implication of results derived from the patterns observed in Table 2.
Remark: We note that the Cayley Table T is a partial representation of an otherwise infinite structure.
Table 1
Table Legend
Table 2
Table 3
Outcome and Conclusion
By formalizing these results, we hope to contribute to the body of knowledge in mathematics as well as help establish the use of proof assistants like LEAN in academia, research and industry in general.
Source References
Useful Links
- Zulip chat for Lean for coordination
- Discussion of the formalization project
- Blueprint
- Blueprint as pdf
- Dependency graph
- Doc pages for this repository
- Kaunda, K: Structure in Prime Gaps, (2024). (Pre-print).
- Pietro Monticone: Lean Project Template for blueprint-driven formalization projects.
- Patrick Massot: LeanBlueprint, A plasTeX plugin allowing to write blueprints for Lean 4 projects.