A property testing framework for Lean 4 that integrates into the tactic framework.
If you are using built in types Plausible is usually able to handle them already:
import Plausible
example (xs ys : Array Nat) : xs.size = ys.size → xs = ys := by
Found a counter-example!
xs := #[0]
ys := #[1]
guard: 1 = 1
issue: #[0] = #[1] does not hold
(0 shrinks)
#eval Plausible.Testable.check <| ∀ (xs ys : Array Nat), xs.size = ys.size → xs = ys
If you are defining your own type it needs instances of Repr
, Plausible.Shrinkable
import Plausible
open Plausible
structure MyType where
x : Nat
y : Nat
h : x ≤ y
deriving Repr
instance : Shrinkable MyType where
shrink := fun ⟨x, y, _⟩ =>
let proxy := Shrinkable.shrink (x, y - x) (fun (fst, snd) => ⟨fst, fst + snd, by omega⟩)
instance : SampleableExt MyType :=
SampleableExt.mkSelfContained do
let x ← SampleableExt.interpSample Nat
let xyDiff ← SampleableExt.interpSample Nat
return ⟨x, x + xyDiff, by omega⟩
-- No counter example found
#eval Testable.check <| ∀ a b : MyType, a.y ≤ b.x → a.x ≤ b.y
For more documentation refer to the module docs.