Displaying 1-20 of 165 packages depending on leanprover-community/importGraph
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  1. lindy-labs/aegisusesv4.14.0

    Verify Cairo contracts in Lean 4
  2. FR-vdash-bot/algorithmusesv4.15.0-rc1

    Verified efficient algorithms in Lean4.
  3. jsm28/AMusesv4.17.0-rc1

    Lean formalization of aperiodic monotiles papers (staging repository for material not yet in mathlib)
  4. dwrensha/animateusesv4.15.0

    tool for turning Lean proofs into Blender animations
  5. FormalizedFormalLogic/arithmetizationusesv4.16.0-rc2

    Formalization of Arithmetization of Mathematics/Metamathematics
  6. mseri/BETuses0ea83a6

    Project for "Machine-Checked Mathematics" at the Lorentz Center
  7. fpvandoorn/bonnAnalysisusesv4.10.0-rc1

    repository for the collaborative formalization seminar in Analysis in Bonn
  8. sven-manthe/borel_detusesv4.16.0-rc2

  9. jaalonso/Calculemus2usesv4.15.0-rc1

    Proof exercises in Lean4 and Isabelle/HOL
  10. jaalonso/Calculemus2_esusesv4.15.0-rc1

    Ejercicios de demostraciĆ³n con Lean4 e Isabelle/HOL.
  11. fpvandoorn/carlesonusesv4.16.0

    A formalized proof of Carleson's theorem in Lean
  12. knowsys/certifyingDatalogusesv4.16.0-rc2

    A certified checker for Datalog entailments, written in Lean
  13. YaelDillies/ChandraFurstLiptonusesfb7841a

    Formalisation in the Lean theorem prover of the relation between corner-free sets and communication complexity
  14. dwrensha/Chessusesv4.15.0

    Chess in Lean 4
  15. anlucia/chromatic_polynomialusesv4.11.0-rc1

    Chromatic polynomial in Lean4
  16. Verified-zkEVM/Cleanuses8e53085

    Lean circuit DSL for AIR
  17. RemyDegenne/cltusesfb7841a

    Central limit theorem in Lean
  18. GasStationManager/CodeProofTheArenauses119b022

    Lean coding problem solving challenge website with proof verification
  19. morganfshirley/CommCompusesfb7841a

    Formalization of communication complexity in Lean