Displaying 1-20 of 45 packages depending on fgdorais/UnicodeBasic
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  1. FR-vdash-bot/algorithmusesd55279d

    Verified efficient algorithms in Lean4.
  2. dupuisf/BibtexQueryuses470c416

    A simple command-line bibtex query utility written in Lean 4
  3. fpvandoorn/bonnAnalysisusesc74a052

    repository for the collaborative formalization seminar in Analysis in Bonn
  4. YaelDillies/ChandraFurstLiptonuses7afce91

    Formalisation in the Lean theorem prover of the relation between corner-free sets and communication complexity
  5. RemyDegenne/cltuses7afce91

    Central limit theorem in Lean
  6. morganfshirley/CommCompuses7afce91

    Formalization of communication complexity in Lean
  7. leanprover-community/ConNFusesb64b8ea

    A formal consistency proof of Quine's set theory New Foundations
  8. optsuite/convexusesc74a052

  9. leanprover/doc-gen4usesd890360

    Document Generator for Lean 4
  10. teorth/equational_theoriesuses2905ab4

    A project to map out the relations between different equational theories of Magmas.
  11. teorth/expdbusesd890360

    Exponent pair database
  12. leanprover-community/flt-regularusesd890360

    Fermat's Last Theorem for regular primes
  13. mo271/FormalBookuses2905ab4

    Formalizing "Proofs from THE BOOK"
  14. JamesGallicchio/Httpuses8603bb1

    Basic HTTP definitions and parsing for Lean
  15. emilyriehl/InfinityCosmosusesd890360

    A blueprint for a formalization of infinity-cosmos theory in Lean.
  16. SchrodingerZhu/lean-gccjitusesf092502

    libgccjit bindings for Lean4
  17. alok/lean-infuses7afce91