Displaying 1-20 of 25 packages depending on dupuisf/BibtexQuery
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  1. FR-vdash-bot/algorithmuses982700b

    Verified efficient algorithms in Lean4.
  2. YaelDillies/ChandraFurstLiptonuses0a294fe

    Formalisation in the Lean theorem prover of the relation between corner-free sets and communication complexity
  3. morganfshirley/CommCompuses0a294fe

    Formalization of communication complexity in Lean
  4. leanprover-community/ConNFusesc07de33

    A formal consistency proof of Quine's set theory New Foundations
  5. leanprover/doc-gen4usesc07de33

    Document Generator for Lean 4
  6. teorth/equational_theoriesuses982700b

    A project to map out the relations between different equational theories of Magmas.
  7. teorth/expdbusesc07de33

    Exponent pair database
  8. leanprover-community/flt-regularusesc07de33

    Fermat's Last Theorem for regular primes
  9. mo271/FormalBookusesbdc2fc3

    Formalizing "Proofs from THE BOOK"
  10. emilyriehl/InfinityCosmosusesc07de33

    A blueprint for a formalization of infinity-cosmos theory in Lean.
  11. fpvandoorn/LeanCourseuses85e1e71

    Bonn Lean course for winter 24/25
  12. leanprover/lnsymuses85e1e71

    Armv8 Native Code Symbolic Simulator in Lean
  13. andrejbauer/partial-combinatory-algebrasuses982700b

    A Lean 4 formalization of partial combinatory algebras.
  14. objectionary/phi-calculususes982700b

    Proof of 𝜑-calculus confluence
  15. HEPLean/PhysLeanuses63a4bd4

    A project to digitalise results from physics into Lean.
  16. AlexKontorovich/PrimeNumberTheoremAnduses63a4bd4

    blueprint for prime number theorem and more
  17. kkaunda/Projectuses0a294fe

    Structure in Prime Gaps - Formalized